Friday, October 21, 2011

we go, pt. 2

thank goodness it is friday! this week lasted forever. so it was a huge relief when i got past the 11 o'clock hour this morning. we decided to take off for the afternoon and have an adventure.  we headed south after heading north last week - here.

we have been here for half a year and this has truly been the first time we have explored either up or down the coast from our central spot. and central really is the key word there. we are so amazingly close to so many great places that we really should be taking more advantage of it.

(pt 2 of 2 - here are the other fun photos from the day)

lots of fun things going on with this. very casual but also very classic "me"
1. my most utilized & versatile jacket
2. ribbed white tank that never fails
3. thrifted cardigan!
4. my usual watch
5. black skinnies
6. and the most important aspect - motorcycle boots!!! 
do you love them? i love them! do you have some? you should. if you are like me, though, and shouldn't be spending $ then you can borrow mine.

1 comment:

  1. You are so freaking cute. Its ridiculous. Can you come help me with my wardrobe out?
    K, Thanks :)
