Monday, December 19, 2011


i feel like a busy little bee getting ready for the rest of the week. making color-coordinated lists in my composition book that will be by my side for the rest of the week until we pack up and head home is what is making me feel organized. before i dove headfirst into the those lists, i took a walk on the beach this morning. there is something special about the beach in winter that just makes me incredibly happy. as such, here is what i am loving:

i am constantly reminded of what an incredible place i live and am so very grateful for what has brought me here and the people who support and love me
pirate details always make me happy. they remind me of disney land and if you don't already know how much i love disney land then you do now!
current rotation of colorful and festive polishes kept in an antiqued teacup

catching up on blockbusters as well as holiday favorites - so far i have caught up on elf, the grinch who stole christmas and am currently in the middle of the holiday

gorging on peppermint bark and my mom's homemade dark chocolate fudge

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