side note about the cats...have you ever traveled with cats? not that i wouldn't recommend it, but it really is quite the experience. i am sure that people with toddlers and babies have a similar experience when they travel. well, we are truly cat people and very much in love with our pets so they are coming to the mountains with us for the holiday and that means they get just as much preparation for the trip as either e or i. however, one of them has been pouting all day (she does this when the suitcases come out) because she thinks she is being left behind. i don't know how to convey that she has to ride in the car for three hours too.
anyway, those that know me know that i am not a girl who is easily swayed by glitzy things as far as clothes go. i usually opt for the understated black thing over the shinny thing but this year with sequins almost everywhere you look in the retail world, i decided to jump out of my comfort zone. it still took many dressing rooms, many garments and many sequins for me to be convinced that this was something i was going to do.
to stick with the theme of branching out, i am also bringing home this gold blouse (to wear with my suede vest), the vintage red blazer that screams mrs. clause, a new black sweater that my mom, myself and my brother's gf, unbeknownst to her, got for christmas eve, and some instant fav pants - skinny, ankle-length, navy (though they look black here) cords from gap.

if, like us, you are traveling for the holidays, i wish you a safe and low maintenance trip!
only three more days till christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot!
loooving all the sparkling tops!!