Sunday, April 22, 2012


three days of excessive amounts of sun and beaching (i know, i don't think this is real life either) has put me in the mindset of summer summer summer. and one thing that caught my eye repeatedly in the spring/summer collections that came out last fall (oh the fashion year is silly) was the return to tropical prints a la vintage inspiration from cruises, tropical destinations and what i presume to be the iconic life of the beach boys. which reminds me, read a good joke the other day:
the beach boys walk into a bar...
get a round?
i'll get a round...
are you laughing? it's okay if you aren't. it's also okay if you despise the beach boys (like i do) and you generally abstain from california adventures in disney land for the very reason that they play the beach boys on repeat. it's also okay if you have never been to california adventures, but you should amend that and just put up with the beach boys music. 


vintage top paradise found (ha), jeans uo, platform sandals indigo by clark, wholeshitton of bracelets from all over and glasses target.
i'm not going to lie, i was totally singing "if you like piña coladas" in my head while i was taking these pictures. also, does anyone else think that i am not smiling enough in this batch of photos? anywho, this vintage lovely was found at my favorite thrift haunt in town and i am eternally grateful for the recycling of fashion for the mere fact that i can replicate something i find inspirational for $1 and not $129858778345 (which, let's face it, is what any amount over $1 can sometimes look like). summer esq weather also makes me feel like i should cover my arm in things that jingle and clink together.


  1. Palm Beach chic hun! That print's been seen all over the runways and in haute and fresh...great find!

    I’m hosting 5 days of GIVEAWAYS with 5 chances to WIN in honor of my blog’s 2year anniversary! Would love for you to stop by and check it out!

    Peace. Love. LOL!


  2. Not gonna lie, I enjoyed your joke very much, and will be telling it for the next week and a half. I adore this outfit love, so cute. Gonna make me wish I was somewhere tropical for a good while.
